

Divine Island of Bali

and Awaken The Goddess In You!

Have you ever looked in the mirror and

Wished that you Looked Different?

If you have, don’t worry, you’re definitely not alone.
Actually, almost all women (secretly myself included sometimes)
experience this self-criticism when it comes to their looks and beauty.

Having coached Hollywood stars, movie directors, and some of the
Arab world’s most charming and successful women, what I found is
that deep inside they all carry this same wounding;
not feeling beautiful and good enough.

Now, I know this can be very painful, yet of course,
There’s a Solution

A Divine One!

My journey with beauty has been a long one. As a young teeanger, I was carrying a great deal of unspoken emotions and my weight flew, literally, out of control (see the video). I was overweight, described by a doctor as “borderline obese”, I hated my body, couldn’t fit into any clothes, and I just couldn’t look at myself in the mirror: it was too difficult to see a way out of this “prison”.

Even though I lost weight later on and in college looked pretty amazing to the outside, something inside me still did not receive the codes of beauty. Something in me still felt Beauty was a kingdom I couldn’t enter, a frequency I couldn’t access.

Now, I wish I could tell you that this all changed overnight–that one day I woke up and felt and looked more beautiful! But that wasn’t the case.

It took me years of healing to really feel embodied in my inner beauty, and get to the point where I look at the mirror and say “Wow, you’re a beautiful woman!” And fully feel it.

Now, the good news is you don’t have to do this work alone. And that’s exactly why I designed this retreat: to guide you step by step through this transformational journey so you can finally feel, be, and embody your true beauty, inside and out. Soul and matter.

As you can see, I’m not speaking from a preacher’s space. I’ve been
there, and done that, sister! And I can tell you,

There’s a Beauty Within You

ready to be liberated beyond your wildest dream. And yes, that beauty will magnetize more
opportunities, more success, and more glory than you can imagine–and in a graceful way. Because
that’s what beauty does.

I’m Calling You!

if you’re a woman with roots in the Arab world who is ready to

Access her Authenticity, Natural Beauty and experience the Feminine Bliss

of being fully alive in your body… Of finally landing home in your body.

Remember my sister, beauty is your birthright as a woman, so you cannot feel your most delicious,
embodied feminine self without fully feeling your beauty radiate with you wherever you go.
At the end of this retreat you will not just feel more beautiful, but also more feminine, more
empowered, more whole.

The beauty we will awaken together is not just about the way you look; it goes way deeper into the way
you feel about yourself and the world, and I would even argue that it is a whole spiritual path in and
of itself, which we will walk together during this retreat.

A path called The Beauty Way

Now I know you got excited about this possibility of you stepping into the most
beautiful version of yourself, and you should be excited about it!

Yet, let’s have an honest talk, sister.

Before receiving the divine rewards of your inner beauty, there is inner work that
has to be done, as an offering to your most beautiful, highest, self.

Let me guide you on a powerful healing initiation so you can

Face the “ugliness” inside you and transform it with
acceptance into deep beauty

Release your inner critic

Discover what Real Beauty is all about

Tap into your unique frequencies of beauty

Integrate physical and spiritual beauty as one
(because you want to feel like a Hot Goddess!!)

Now the beauty about all this is that we’re not going to do this healing process
through a boring course in a hotel conference room.
Instead, we’re going to do it in the land of the Goddesses itself:

The Beautiful Island of Bali

This is the island that helped me

Discover and Awaken My Own Feminine Energy,
My Own Connection to My Body and My Beauty.

During this 7-day adventure, you will discover your Divine Beauty on a unique wellbeing retreat I’ve curated for just 25 lucky women to join me in Bali.

Enjoy a week filled with rejuvenating yoga classes, learning about yourself and what it truly means to be a woman in an all-too-masculinized world, and enjoy an inspiring adventure that will leave you feeling awakened, refreshed, and renewed.

Relax in Bali’s transformational energy with the healing elements of nature.

Let the waterfalls purify you, the volcanos’ help you transmute the old ideas and energies you carry, let the air of this divine island fill you with movement and new ideas of what it means to live inside this beautiful and healthy body, and tap into the expressions of your earthy, juicy, body.

Tap into all the levels of beauty that you are.

This retreat is designed to:

Nourish your body, and fully call in your soul
to radiate through you.

We will also be exploring Bali’s best kept secrets,
including visits to waterfalls and volcanoes, and have a blast together!

Why is Madiha the perfect guide for you to have a Bali adventure?

Many many years ago when I first visited Bali, I put the seed to return one day to live here and fully receive the island’s medicine. So when COVID hit, and restrictions spread around the whole world, guess where I ended up? Me and my husband Ehab packed our bags and decided to move to Bali, an island where we would be completely free in a time of growing restrictions globally. For over two years, we lived back and forth between our beautiful Jordan and this magical island, recharging and healing our bodies, understanding the vortex of this island’s powerful transformational energy, and of course, feeling the call to bring other Arabs to experience this healing land.

Naturally, our friends started to come visit us, and our online families asked for more!

Having lived on this island for almost two years, we learned her mysterious ways, and discovered the Best she has to offer. Bali works in mysterious ways and invites those who come to navigate with mindfulness. It’s hard to be there without the guidance of someone who’s truly taken the time to understand the island’s unique personality (yes, she certainly has a personality!).

Bali takes her time to show you what’s possible, and doesn’t hesitate to hit hard when you are out of alignment. She is an island that initiates you, liberates you, and helps awaken all the cells in your body. They call her “Mama Bali,” because like a mother she nourishes you on so many levels of your being.


Beautiful Gifts of Bali

This retreat is a call, not just for every woman who has followed our journey and felt the
call to travel to Bali, because let’s be honest: there are a million retreats to Bali.

This retreat is for women who are excited to have more than just a “vacation”.
It’s for women ready to go both an Inward and Outward Journey, because Bali is truly a
magical island that amplifies this mysterious feminine energy that you carry inside, and

Guides You Home to Yourself

Divine Beauty

invites you to come and tap into who you truly are in your essence: A Goddess

We have designed this women’s retreat to create a space where your mind can rest, your body can recharge, and your soul can arrive–for that is the ultimate secret to Divine Beauty.

Join us to experience the beauty, power, and freedom of being who you are.

In a safe space, on a beautiful island, and in the company of soul
sisters who will become friends for life.

Each morning begins with a ceremonial morning practice that embodies one aspect of your feminine healing.
The ceremonial morning practice combines yoga asanas and pranayama to revive the chakra’s deep energetic dance and open the intuitive flow of energy through your body.

Every day is packed with activities and initiations to ensure that you are fully Transformed by the end of this week.

Divine Beauty

is a divine holiday where you will enjoy:

Sightseeing adventures and activities to Bali’s top sights

Spa, relaxation, and wellbeing time

Fitness and super healthy organic food

Spirituality and deep healing in Ubud (Ubud is a spiritual hub
and you will feel this!)

Daily practices including Yoga & Meditation with Madiha to
reconnect with your Divine Beauty

Beautiful connection with a group of like-minded Arab women
to create a beautiful sisterhood and memories


Dance your heart ON at the Yoga
Barn’s Ecstatic Dance temple

Visit Bali’s amazing waterfalls
and water temples

Powerful Initiations with Bali’s top


  • You want to connect with your feminine self, feel
    more inspired, and energized
  • You are feeling drained and burned out and want to
    take some time for yourself
  • You are finding yourself operating a lot through
    your masculine and long to experience the feminine
  • You are looking for a wellness week and excited to
    taste the best of what Bali has to offer!
  • You want to have a solo trip, but are afraid of
    traveling alone and prefer to enjoy Bali with a
    community of like-minded women
  • The idea of a Bali vibe wellness and healing retreat
    with the guidance of Madiha Bee truly excites you!


  • You do not appreciate transformation and wish to
    stay in your comfort zone
  • You are not interested in doing inner work to heal
    and release your old patterns and limitations
  • You are not into wellness and do not wish to step
    into greater health and radiance

Experience Joy, Ecstasy, and Liberate
Yourself from all that is holding you back from radiating

Your Divine Beauty

Frequently Asked Questions:

What’s included in the 7-day Divine Beauty package?
– 7 Days Full program, including excursions, classes, special Initiations and private events
– 6 Nights Accommodation at a top eco-conscious luxury resort
– 2 meals a day
– A program assistant to make sure all your needs are met

How do I get to your Bali retreat?
You will have to ensure your own travel arrangements to the retreat point. You will take a flight to Bali (Denpasar), and then a local taxi can drive you to the retreat center (our assistant can support you in organizing this). Please make sure to get a visa ahead of time, although some nationalities can get a visa upon arrival.

I’m traveling solo, is that okay?
More than okay! We’ve ensured this retreat is a perfect opportunity for solo travelers to come and enjoy Bali while meeting a beautiful community of conscious women.

Will I have my own room?
Prices are per shared room (2 people) but there is an optional addition if you would like to book your own room. Since we are having the retreat during peak season, prices are at their highest in Bali and upgrading to your own suite will cost you about 2,059$ for the 6 nights (depending on availability), which you can pay directly to the hotel. Please let us know ahead of time if this is your choice, so you can ensure a room is saved for you.

Do you offer refunds in case of cancellation?
We do not offer any refunds to cancellations made less than 2 months before the retreat. In case of political or medical emergency, an exception might be made and a partial refund made. Please only register if you are 100% sure you would like to join.

What age and nationality is this retreat for?
This retreat is open to all women of all ages, however you do have to be.

* Relatively fit to receive Bali’s variety of yoga, dance, and movement.

* Speak English in order to enjoy the retreat’s offerings and teachings.

For further questions and inquiries
please email us [email protected]

About Madiha Bee

Madiha Bee is a world-renowned coach, consciousness catalyst, and creatrix. She is committed to inspiring a generation of Arab women to rise up to their feminine power, embrace true authentic beauty, and step fully into a life of freedom and creative expression. She received her degrees from Columbia University, the London School of Economics, and Oxford University, and worked for several years as a communications expert at the Office of Jordan’s Queen before feeling called to pursue her own mission and contribute to the awakening of women in the Arab world.